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1. Yu Zhigang, Maton Karl & Doran Yaegan. (in press). Building complexity in chemistry through images. In Blackie, M., Adendorff, H. & Mouton, M (eds.) Enhancing Science Education: Exploring Knowledge Practices with Legitimation Code Theory . New York: Routledge.
2. Yu Zhigang. (2020). Review of The Discourse of Physics: Building Knowledge through Language, Mathematics and Images. Visual Communication (4): 541-547. (SSCI)
3. Yu Zhigang, Guo Enhua & Bu Zhanting. (2020). Review of The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Functions of Language, (1):100-112. (SSCI/A&HCI)
4. Yu Zhigang & Liu Min. (2016). A contrastive study on generic structure of introduction to English chemistry research articles: L1 Chinese student writers versus L1 English published writers. International Journal of English Linguistics , (6):112-120. (ESCI)
5. 喻志刚, 钟兰凤. (2016) .理工科英语科研论文引言部分研究空间构建对比研究.《外语界》, (6): 77-85. (CSSCI)
1. 2014-2020: 国家社会科学基金一般项目:基于语类的英文科技学术话语能力研究及标准建设研究,项目编号:14BYY074。参研,结题。
2. 2018-2020: 国家建设高水平公派联合培养博士研究生项目:构建化学知识:多符号视角。项目编号:201806260055。独立,结题。
3. 2015-2017.江苏省研究生创新计划项目:理工科研究生英语研究型论文‘引言部分’研究空间的构建能力探究,项目编号:KYZZ15_0288。主持,结题。